Thursday, February 4, 2010

SOUTHERN BROAD-AXE [WEST POINT, MS] April 2, 1859 - February 8, 1860

April 2, 1859 - February 8, 1860

SOUTHERN BROAD-AXE [WEST POINT, MS], July 20, 1859, p. 2, c. 5
A New Filibustering Expedition.—The New York Tribune gives an account of what is styled a new fililbustering expedition, now organizing, and to be called the "Knights of the Golden Circle." It consists of two legions—one in the United States, and one in Cuba. The Tribune, which contains its information from a printed circular, says:
Each legion is to consist of ten thousand men and their officers, besides commissary, surgical and conveyance departments. The American legion is to include a regiment of cavalry, a regiment of mounted riflemen, a regiment of artillery, five regiments of infantry, and a reserved guard. The headquarters of this recent military organization appears to be the city of Baltimore, and the central authority seems to be bested in a war board, composed of a commander in chief and of brigadier generals, appointed or to be appointed one for each of the ten regiments. From this board emanates the selection of colonels. The colonels select their own inferior officers, who must, however, be approved by the colonels. The colonel is also to select for himself a lieutenant-colonel and two majors, and the four together are to agree upon some suitable person for a brigadier-general, to be commissioned and placed on the general staff. The chief business of the colonels and their inferior officers appears to be, at present, the enlistment of men and the raising of funds.
The members are each to pay one dollar initiation fee, and also a weekly tax of ten cents. A fund for the purchase of arms, ammunition and general outfit is to be raised by the sale of scrip, in which all the subordinate officers are to be employed. This scrip is issued in sums of five, ten, twenty, fifty, or one hundred, or one thousand dollars, and is to be paid for either in cash, in powder, lead, iron, cotton cloth, red or blue flannel, tobacco, train oil, shoes, blankets, spades, etc., or partly in promissory notes of short dates. The soldiers who may enlist in this expedition, are promised each a grant of six thousand four hundred acres of land, also seven dollars a month in specie and seven in scrip; arms, ammunition, uniforms, etc., to be furnished by the board of war before leaving American soil. The men, it is stated, can pursue their ordinary business till November.