Friday, August 20, 2010

The Hibernian

The Hibernian

"The Hibernian was a monthly Irish magazine with the subtitle "Faith, Family and Country". Twenty-nine issues were published between May 2006 and September 2008.......It published numerous articles alleging that the international banking system is run by money-manipulating conspirators......."Money Matters: Abraham Lincoln's greenbacks - Part V in a series on money" - "These external forces were trying to break up the union, so they could have smaller nations of equal power, to play one against the other in the war debt game.. International banking was the hidden power behind these conflicts in Europe...
Rothschild agent August Belmont had placed large amounts of Rothschild money into bonds of the state sponsored banks in the South...International banking houses were furious over the issuance of Lincoln's Greenbacks.. Eventually Abraham Lincoln paid the price for the issuance of greenbacks.. killed by John Wilkes Booth, who had links to the Knights of the Golden Circle.. drawing its membership from masonic lodges"