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Sometime around 1970, Dell Leonardi, a hypno-therapist, worked with a young man she refers to as "Wesley." One day, she hypnotized him and brought him back in time: 5 years old; 2 years old; 1 day old. But Leonardi continued going back, to an apparently previous incarnation of Wesley.
LEONARDI: You are now somewhere in the 1800s. What is your full name?
WESLEY: My name is.... John Wilkes Booth.
Neither Leonardi nor Wesley had more than a high school knowledge of events with which Booth would have been very familiar. In spite of this, the "Booth" revealed in Leonardi's subsequent years-long investigation displayed an insider's understanding of Civil War events. More than that, "Booth" named obscure names, places and events which later meticulous research showed to be correct.
A hoax? This editor, after reading Leonardi's book, The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth (Devin-Adair, 1975; ISBN: 0-8159-6716-0), does not believe any trickery is involved. Beyond that, it is left to you to decide how true "Booth's" account is....
Booth, using an alias, married Izola Forrester in 1859. She was already pregnant by Booth at the time. The child of their union, Ogarita Booth, was born in 1859.
Booth was a high-ranking member of a secret society, the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). Here is how one writer describes that organization:
When first organized, the association is said to have had rather ambitious plans and objectives. The idea and name, Golden Circle, came from the proposal that, with Havana as a center and a radius of sixteen geographical degrees or about 1,200 miles, a great circle be drawn that would include Maryland, Kentucky, southern Missouri, all the states south of them, a portion of Kansas, most of Texas and Old Mexico, all of Central America, the northern part of South America, and the entire West Indies. This area they proposed to unite into a gigantic slave empire that would rival in power and prestige the Roman Empire of two thousand years ago. [1]
Besides Booth, other high-ranking members of the KGC included: Andrew Johnson, Lincoln's Vice-President; Edwin Stanton, Lincoln's secretary of war; William H. Seward, Lincoln's secretary of state; Senator John Parker Hale (N.H.); and Benjamin Laughton, a New York banker.
The KGC was born in Albany, offspring of a previous group, apparently the Freemasons. (But Izola Forrester, who claimed to be Booth's grand-daughter, daughter of Ogarita Booth, connects KGC to the Knights Templars, in her 1937 book, "This One Mad Act.") Gradually, KGC grew to the point where it was an international secret society. Many of the goals of KGC were set for a future as far distant as 100 years.
Booth, on April 14, 1865, entered Lincoln's private box at Ford's Theater and shot him dead. He then knifed Major Rathbone and jumped to the stage below. Booth did not break his leg in the fall; he was shot in the leg by John Parker, Lincoln's bodyguard who had deserted his post. Parker, a skilled professional killer as well as a Washington, DC policeman, was on the KGC payroll, though not a ranking member of the organization. Parker's job that night was to kill Booth after he'd murdered Lincoln, but Parker's shooting was off. At the back of Ford's Theater waited a Booth double, named Brown, on horseback. Brown was paid $5,000 by Booth to serve as a decoy. While Booth jumped into a waiting carriage, driven by a Mr. Richards, Brown -- Booth's look-alike -- rode south, to the Navy Yard Bridge. There, Brown gave the pre-arranged password, "Booth," and was allowed to ride through. Shortly thereafter, Brown linked up with David Herold.
Meanwhile, Booth, shot in the leg, was driven by Mr. Richards a few blocks, to the residence of a Dr. Charles Carter. Dr. Carter treated Booth's gunshot wound.
Booth had been paid $25,000 to kill Lincoln, by the KGC. The KGC still wanted Booth dead, after Parker's failed attempt. But Edwin Stanton was made aware that Booth had forwarded key documents to several trusted friends. These friends were instructed that, in the event of Booth's violent death, these coded documents were to be forwarded to another colleague of Booth's who could decode them. The documents, if released, would have blown the lid off Stanton, the KGC, and their role in Lincoln's murder. Thus, Stanton and the KGC were forced to back off.
Lewis Paine's attack on Seward was a mix-up. Paine was a criminal of the worst type, available to the highest bidder. He'd originally been paid to create a ruckus in front of Ford's Theater, as a diversion for Booth's escape. But someone offered Paine even more money to attack Seward, and Paine reneged on his original agreement.
Booth later left Washington, crossing the Potomac River by boat. Travelling under the alias of James Benton, Booth made his way to San Francisco. From there he sailed to Portsmouth, England, late in 1865. He arrived in Portsmouth, still using the alias of James Benton. But Booth carried identity papers for two names: James Benton and William Sullivan. He registered at a nearby hotel as James Benton. In his hotel room he shaved off a beard he had grown, then went into a different, pre-arranged, hotel room and became William Sullivan.
Booth stayed awhile in England, then later moved to Calais, France. There he married Henriette Eagle, even though he was already married to Izola Forrester, in the U.S.
Booth died at the age of 39, in Calais. He was buried in Le Jardin de Plaisir cemetery.
The assassination of Lincoln by the Knights of the Golden Circle brought about a change in government in the U.S. It was a coup d'etat. The KGC also was able to overturn many European governments. The United States died in 1865.
Dell Leonardi and a researcher hired by her, Arthur Sheehan, reportedly have acquired a great deal of documentation to support the above claims.
[1] Bridges, C.A., "The Knights of the Golden Circle: a Filibustering Fantasy." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. XLIV, No. 3, January, 1941. Qtd. in Leonardi's book.
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