by Steven Hager
I could write about 9/11 today, after all it is the
anniversary, but my musing on that subject don’t attract much attention
and offend those who prefer to keep their heads in the sand. I’m sure
Facebook downgrades 9/11 posts anyway, unless they support the official
story. There’s so much mud in the water and games being played regarding
9/11 that it’ll probably take another 13 years for enough real evidence
to emerge to start pointing fingers at the true culprits, though I am
certain 9/11 was staged to jump-start two wars that killed over two
million people and made billions for the military-industrial complex,
while suspending most of our Constitutional rights, because that’s the
way deep politics works.
can’t understand the Lincoln assassination without understanding the
Knights of the Golden Circle, one of the more powerful secret societies
in America at the time of the assassination. Funny how almost nothing
has been written about the Knights, although their existence was
well-established before the Civil War. Apparently, the organization grew
out of Southern Rights clubs in the South who wished to open up more
territory to slavery. These secret clubs financed slave ships that
continued to illegally abduct Africans after the slave trade was
officially abolished in 1808. In 1844, the War with Mexico was
championed by these clubs because they desired to invade Mexico so it
could be carved-up into slave states to insure the balance of power in
Congress remained with the South.

only three years after the Civil War commenced, the K.G.C. was exposed.
Some were leading pro-slave “peace movements” while others were acting
as spies and dirty tricks operatives for the Confederacy. The Army spent
months investigating the K.G.C. and the Judge Advocate General
eventually produced an exhaustive report titled: “The Order of American Knights”, alias “The Sons of Liberty:” A Western Conspiracy in Aid of the Southern Rebellion,
published by the Union Congressional Committee, Washington D.C., 1864.
Among other things, the report identified most of the state leaders in
the North and claimed Clement Vallindigham, leader of the Copperhead
Democrats in Ohio, was the society’s Supreme Commander. Vallindigham had
been a member of Congress, but after he lost his seat, President
Lincoln had him deported to South Carolina as an enemy alien.
You can read the Congressional report here:
the 1930s an amateur historian and chemistry professor in Chicago put
forth the theory that Secretary of War Edwin Stanton was involved in the
Lincoln assassination and played the crucial role in covering up the
true origins of the plot.
Lincoln’s death, Stanton seized all power in Washington D.C. and took
charge of the investigation and ran a military court that swiftly hung
some minor players. What nobody seems to mention, however, is that
Stanton and Vallindigham were very close personal friends, and that
Vallindigham funded Stanton’s rise in politics. Booth’s induction into
the K.G.C. is well documented and Booth may have been following
instructions from Vallindigham, who had one of the biggest axes to grind
against Lincoln.

out Surratt (left) wearing his Papal Zouave uniform. Surratt was such a
devoted Catholic he volunteered to defend the Papal States during the
final years of their existence. Eighteen months after his mother was
hung, however, he was spotted in Egypt and escorted back to America to
stand trial still wearing his Papal Zouave uniform. Fortunately for
Surratt, a law had just been passed forbidding military courts from
trying civilians so the government was unable to secure his conviction,
although Surratt freely admitted associations with Booth, he claimed no
part of the murder and most of the jury believed him.
on, Surratt would publish his diary and the most astonishing thing was
his frequent mentions of the K.G.C. on almost every other page. You can
read the diary here:
Stanton was head of the investigation and running the country under
martial law at the time, one wonders why the K.G.C. was never mentioned
in the trial, why Booth was executed instead of being brought in for
interrogation, and why 15 pages of Booth’s diary disappeared immediately
after Stanton got control of the manuscript.
I had to make a guess, I’d say the Civil War was fomented by British
interests that also led the abolitionist movement from their
headquarters in Boston. After the war, certain business interests wanted
to pillage the South for exploitation, something Lincoln was strongly
opposed to. Killing Lincoln was not in the best interests of the South,
but was in the interest of certain business alliances. After Lincoln’s
death, Stanton engaged in a vicious power struggle with President Andrew
Johnson, someone who’d also been slated for assassination but survived.

that Stanton was a devoted Freemason. Also consider the one man brought
in to testify against Mary Surratt was a clerk who worked for Stanton
at the Department of War. Consider Stanton placed John Frederick Parker
as the sole bodyguard for Lincoln that fateful night even though Lincoln
had been having nightmares about being assassinated for three nights
running and expressed these fears to Stanton and requested additional
protection. Since Parker had a reputation for visiting brothels,
sleeping on duty and drinking heavily, he seems like an odd choice.
Parker abandoned his post and went across the street for drink in a
tavern where Booth was also imbibing before Booth strolled across the
street to execute the undefended President. Consider that Stanton closed
every bridge out of Washington immediately after the assassination,
save one, which turned out to be the bridge used by Booth and his
confederates. Consider the public telegraph lines in Washington went
dead for two hours immediately after the assassination, leaving Stanton
in control of the only working telegraph line in and out of the city.
all the films show Booth jumping to the stage and yelling “sic semper
Tyrannis,” in his final diary entries Booth claimed to have shouted
those words immediately before firing the shot.
note: When conducting operations on a national/international levels,
secret societies can manifest dialectical systems. By founding terror
groups, they capture centers of gravity and place gatekeepers at key
strategic positions in the coming conflict. Just as the abolitionist
movement had deep pockets plus the insane John Brown on their side, a
complimentary and similarly violent pro-slavery movement may have been
manifested so the coming clash of cultures could be more effectively
mined for profit. William Quantrill would be the insane terrorist on the
flip side. I sense this may be the way secret societies have played
their games for centuries.