Former Confederate General John B. Gordon testified in 1871 to the Joint Congressional Committee on Affairs in the Insurrectionary States that: "The first and main reason (for the Klan) was the organization of the Union League."
There you have the stated purpose, at least by Gen. Gordon, for the formation of the KKK. Here is the stated purpose for the formation of the Union League.
Excerpt: "The first Union League formed in Ohio in 1862, when Confederate military successes coupled with political unrest in the North caused many to doubt a Union victory in the war. The Ohio Union League thrived and soon similar leagues spread to more than eighteen northern states. According to historian Clement M. Silvestro, Union Leagues proposed "to combat and crush the Knights of the Golden Circle, Sons of Liberty, The Order of American Knights, and similar clubs associated with the Democratic Party.""
Knights of the Golden Circle, Sons of Liberty, Order of American Knights.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Civil War: Residue of Fort Fizzle skirmish includes tales of intrigue

D.W. Garber, born and raised in Butler, wrote a series of history columns, "Tales of Mohican Country," for the News Journal from 1956 through 1964. This story was originally published in the News Journal on July 1, 1962.
MANSFIELD -- "Eve! Eve! Ain't you ashamed to be so proud when your brother is off on the battle field?"
The attractive young sister of the absent soldier was busy sewing bright flowers on her hat when rebuked for her vanity by an older woman. Both were attending a sewing bee, in Holmes County during the Civil War.
The rebuke was undeserved. Eve's brother, at that very moment, was a deserter hiding under a bed not far from the place where the women were having their sewing bee. This story, out of Glenmont, is typical of those told about the Holmes County Rebellion.
In the wake of every event that catches the public imagination, there is a wave of anecdotes, little stories that reveal the personal side of life. Most are quickly forgotten, but a few become a part of our local folklore. It happens in war time, in political campaigns, and many are told about the Battle of Fort Fizzle. They should be preserved because they provide a look at some of the personalities involved in the resistance movement.
One of the stories, rescued from old-timers in Holmes County, tells about a broken friendship resulting from a rivalry between two neighbors who wished to command a company of copperheads. At Aultman's Woolen Mill, in Doughty Valley, a military company of the Knights of the Golden Circle drilled in the cool of the evenings, marching in formation in the meadow beside the mill. The men were Doughty Valley farmers who sympathized with the South.
Competition for the honor of commanding the company was narrowed down to the two long-time neighbors. If a warm feeling had existed between them as old friends, the age-old saying that "love may turn to hate," was proven true in this instance. The bitterness of the conflict reached a point where the men were on opposite sides in every division of opinion in the community. One of them started to build a fence along their adjoining properties, and while spite fences are not uncommon in personal disputes, these former friends outdid themselves. When the fence was started, the neighbor immediately began to build a second one, a foot from the first, running the length of the boundary.
Eventually the fences were neglected and rows of trees grew along the dividing line. They remained, long after the deaths of the neighbors, as reminders of the bitter fed.
According to the late Walter Aultman, his grandfather, George Aultman, who owned and operated the mills during the Civil War, had attempted to prevent the Knights of the Golden Circle from drilling near his mill. Feelings were strong, however, and the miller was in a difficult position; to have insisted that they not drill would have lost him customers. One suspects George may have been a participant, for it has been found in a number of instances that later generations prefer to forget the family connection with Fort Fizzle.
Doughty Valley provided one of the brass howitzers used by the copperheads. Over on the southeast slope of the valley lived a noted gunsmith, Sam Shepler, who turned out a beautiful, lethal brass cannon. Shepler's cannon was less than two feet long, mounted on a heavy oak carriage with sturdy wheels. Possession of the cannon may have added a little courage to the defenders of the Blanchard stone house where the battle occurred, but it was never fired at the Union troops.
The scene of one of the most interesting and authentic stories about the rebellion was the stately home occupied during the Civil War by William White. The beautiful old house, built of brick burned on the place by the Jones brothers, remains as a show place west of Fort Fizzle. At one time it overlooked a considerable community bearing the name "Jones' Corner." There was a store in the kitchen wing of the house, with a post office bearing the same name.
The house is at the crossroads on Ohio 206, about one half mile north of U.S. 62 near the Coshocton County line. The story was often told to Dr. John A. Reed, of Butler, by his mother Sarah Orbison, who was present when the incident occurred. According to Dr. Reed:
"At the time of the Fort Fizzle war, my mother Sarah Orbison was 14 years of age and living in the home of Bill White. Grandfather Orbison was killed at Corinth, in Mississippi, and mother had gone to live with the Whites.
"There was a preacher in the community, a Rev. William Barrens, who sympathized with the South. He was elected to head the Knights of the Golden Circle, those men who attempted to interfere with the draft. After the war he was always called Colonel Bill.
"The defense of Fort Fizzle, as I recall it, was built somewhat in the shape of a horseshoe and every few days, Col. Bill would drill his soldiers at the fort. Their strategy called for any attack which might be made upon them to be made against the face of the horseshoe, and not at the open space between the toe calks. In the skirmish which took place, however, that is exactly what happened.
"The Union soldiers had orders not to shoot to kill, but to capture the copperheads, but one soldier who had served in the South said that he had 'not come to shoot in the air!' It was he who shot the man named Brown.
"Following the fracas, the federal agents had a list of those who were involved and began to round them up with the assistance of the Union soldiers. They came to White's house where the Reverend Colonel Bill Barnes and his wife, a sister of Bill White's were living. They asked Mrs. Barnes if her husband was there. The Whites were Republicans and supported the northern cause, and Mrs. Barnes pointed at the bed and said, 'Yes, he is, you'll find him under there.' The Reverend Colonel Barnes ... had dressed himself in his wife's clothing and was wearing her calico dress and her hat.
"Barnes was dragged from under the bed and with others who had been taken into custody he was taken to Cleveland. He was not permitted to remove his wife's apparel and was of course subjected to much ridicule."
... Dr. John Reed, long Butler's esteemed family physician, is the county's oldest doctor. His eyes light up with enthusiasm when he recalls the exciting stories about Fort Fizzle.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Posted by Dave Hughes
June 26, 2011
Old Colorado City
As the Civil War began to heat up in Colorado Territory it produced all kinds of new problems for would be settlers, besides dealing with Indians, grasshoppers, claim jumpers, outlaws or Colorado weather. With at least one fourth of all the 24,000 gold rushers in Colorado by 1862 being southerners, there was bound to be trouble. The majority of those who poured into the Territory via the Arkansas River route, were either just southern sympathizers, outspoken secessionists, or outright armed rebels. Everybody had to be wary of who they were dealing with or encountering on the trail.
Colorado City folk were not immune to the passions inflaming the rest of the country. I already fingered one town founder ‘W.P. McClure’ as a Rebel, who was killed by Osage Indians when he tried to raise a Confederate Regiment. Then there were the shootouts and duels in Denver. The Canon City Times was accused of sympathizing with the Southern Cause. Its editor has to equivocate in his editorials, lest his premises be burned to the ground.
Then came the capture by US Army Captain Otis of the 4th US Cavalry of 42 southern guerillas who were marched to Denver through Colorado City by Company F of the 1st Colorado Regiment to be tried for treason. But all of whom had to be released because Denver didn’t have any place or means to keep them imprisoned. And the 8 man ‘Reynold’s Gang’ which portrayed itself as an actual Confederate unit, but which were far more just plain old robbers and highwaymen.
Then came the incredible 1861 4th of July Community Celebration in Pueblo when there was plenty of food, drink, and hoopla until someone hoisted a Union Stars and Stripes Flag over the gathering. Whereupon the highly organized “Knights of the Golden Circle” who robbed along the Arkansas River in order to send weapons and money to Richmond, took exception to that and wanted instead to hoist the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. Everyone seized their weapons and there was a four hour standoff before the crowd dispersed without a shootout.
There was actually a Treaty signed between Cherokee Indians and a Confederate General Albert Pike, to support each other against the Union. Even after the Civil War was essentially over in the East, Southerners made common cause with anti-Settler Indian Tribes. On one occasion Indians drove off a herd of horses from the Teachout Ranch close to Colorado City. What was called the Simpson Party, 24 strong, set out in pursuit. But by the time they got to Bijou Basin (east of the Black Forest) they found themselves surrounded by Indians. They dug in and were trapped for several days. On one of the days, a fully painted Indian approached just out of rifle range of the embattled whites and he began to curse out the white men in a perfect Texas drawl!
I am not sure the war between the North and the South ever ended.
Posted by Dave Hughes
June 26, 2011
Old Colorado City
As the Civil War began to heat up in Colorado Territory it produced all kinds of new problems for would be settlers, besides dealing with Indians, grasshoppers, claim jumpers, outlaws or Colorado weather. With at least one fourth of all the 24,000 gold rushers in Colorado by 1862 being southerners, there was bound to be trouble. The majority of those who poured into the Territory via the Arkansas River route, were either just southern sympathizers, outspoken secessionists, or outright armed rebels. Everybody had to be wary of who they were dealing with or encountering on the trail.
Colorado City folk were not immune to the passions inflaming the rest of the country. I already fingered one town founder ‘W.P. McClure’ as a Rebel, who was killed by Osage Indians when he tried to raise a Confederate Regiment. Then there were the shootouts and duels in Denver. The Canon City Times was accused of sympathizing with the Southern Cause. Its editor has to equivocate in his editorials, lest his premises be burned to the ground.
Then came the capture by US Army Captain Otis of the 4th US Cavalry of 42 southern guerillas who were marched to Denver through Colorado City by Company F of the 1st Colorado Regiment to be tried for treason. But all of whom had to be released because Denver didn’t have any place or means to keep them imprisoned. And the 8 man ‘Reynold’s Gang’ which portrayed itself as an actual Confederate unit, but which were far more just plain old robbers and highwaymen.
Then came the incredible 1861 4th of July Community Celebration in Pueblo when there was plenty of food, drink, and hoopla until someone hoisted a Union Stars and Stripes Flag over the gathering. Whereupon the highly organized “Knights of the Golden Circle” who robbed along the Arkansas River in order to send weapons and money to Richmond, took exception to that and wanted instead to hoist the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy. Everyone seized their weapons and there was a four hour standoff before the crowd dispersed without a shootout.
There was actually a Treaty signed between Cherokee Indians and a Confederate General Albert Pike, to support each other against the Union. Even after the Civil War was essentially over in the East, Southerners made common cause with anti-Settler Indian Tribes. On one occasion Indians drove off a herd of horses from the Teachout Ranch close to Colorado City. What was called the Simpson Party, 24 strong, set out in pursuit. But by the time they got to Bijou Basin (east of the Black Forest) they found themselves surrounded by Indians. They dug in and were trapped for several days. On one of the days, a fully painted Indian approached just out of rifle range of the embattled whites and he began to curse out the white men in a perfect Texas drawl!
I am not sure the war between the North and the South ever ended.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Mysterious and Secret Order of the Knights of the Golden Circle

(While the following text is found at the website please note that I am not selling books nor do I advocate the purchase of this one - I did find it interesting and it is available but NOT from us. ed.)
Few people know of the Knights of the Golden Circle and even fewer know about the purpose for which it existed. It is probably the greatest untold story today in the history of the United States. That is unusual because during the last century this very large, powerful, secret and subversive southern organization had such a profound influence and effect over the course of many years that they almost succeeded in changing the course of our history.
It has been said of them that they were one of the deadliest, wealthiest, most secretive and subversive spy and underground organizations in the history of the world. It is known that they operated not only in the United States, but also around the glove for 65 years (1851 to 1916). Also, that the original Ku Klux Klan was their military arm. Some of the finest and craftiest brains in the South helped organize and direct the activities of the Knights of the Golden Circle. The group was heavy on ritual, most of which was borrowed from the Masonic Lodge and later from the Knights of Pythias. Some were also members of the Rosicrucians. Their wealth was due to the huge amount of money, valuables and equipment that they had accumulated for the purpose of restarting the Civil War.
So, you might wonder then if that is true, why haven't we read about them in our history books or heard them mentioned in our schools before? That is a hard question to answer, but maybe because they were such devout, die-hard, southern rebels, working for a southern cause that was eventually defeated and one that is not popular today. However, the fact remains that since they did exist and were a very large and powerful organization for many years, I think that their story should be known today.
But during the 1800's, many stories and articles did appear about the Knights of the Golden Circle in many newspapers, magazines and periodicals, before, during, and after the Civil War. But somehow, these stories have been overlooked or purposely omitted from our modern-day history books. So, who were the Knights of the Golden Circle and what was their purpose?
Origins of the Knights of the Golden Circle
Actually, their beginning goes back to a long period before the Civil War when our young nation was reaching out for more territory. They were part of the overall imperialist's movement to expand out borders westward, even though they had not officially taken on the name of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Then, when the issue of slavery began to divide the sentiments of our country, they started to support the Southern states in trying to keep slavery alive because most of them were Southerners. As the issue of slavery finally divided the Union and the Civil War began, they became ardent supporters of the southern cause. This is when the organization became secret and went underground in their efforts to aid the Confederacy. Since they were considered subversive, that is why they became a secret organization. President Lincoln once referred to their very effective efforts against the North, as a “Fifth Column.” That could have been the origin of the term.
Then, after the war was over, they refused to accept the terms of the southern surrender. They had been working diligently for many years to accomplish their goals and were not about to give them up. They had too much momentum going. Also, they were still bitter over the issue of slavery and of not establishing a Confederate nation independent from the northern states. This is when they went underground with a strongly determined and clandestine, even bizarre, plan to eventually restart the Civil War at a later time.
Their Great Treasure Hoard
One of the things they needed to accomplish this was to firs, be well supplied and equipped. That is when they began to collect money, jewelry, gold, silver and other valuable items from sympathizers to finance their cause. Additionally, they collected guns, ammunition, armament, uniforms, and other items to supply an army. This was the start of their huge treasure trove when they began to hide these items in mines and tunnesl throughout the country, then covering the entrance. In other places, holes and huge tunnels were dug, items buried, then cleverly concealed. That happened mostly in the southern part of the United States, especially in the Southeast.
Amazing . . . unbelievable . . . ridiculous! Of course, it may sound that way, but who they were and what they did is a matter of record that is substantiated in many newspaper articles and other publications during the 1800's and later.
History was one of my favorite subjects during my school years (starting in the 1930's) and later during college and while earning a Ph.D. in archaeology. Yet, nothing was ever mentioned about the Knights of the Golden Circle. I have been heavily involved in hunting for lost treasures and mines for many years, and this is when I first heard about the Knights of the Golden Circle and the huge treasure caches they buried throughout the United States following the Civil War with the intent to restart the war again at a later date and a time when they had amassed enough resources to be successful with their daring venture.
During the 1970's, a few stories began to appear in some of the treasure publications giving some details about the amazing treasures of the Knights of the Golden Circle . If this were so, then I would have to classify it as America 's greatest treasure and something that I would have to seriously investigate.
During this time period, I was also working on the staff of our most notable treasure publications, including: Treasure Magazine, Treasure Search, Treasure Found, Treasure Hunter and Treasure Diver as the technical consultant and feature storywriter. I alwo wrote the “Question and Answer Columns.” Some of the questions that readers would ask were for information on the Knights of the Golden Circle treasures. That forced me to begin a research project on this amazing subject matter.
In the next chapter, let's look at what has been recorded about the history of this astonishing organization and the important part that they played in our history during the last century.
The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
Sunday, June 19, 2011
"Who were the KGC?"
The knights of the golden circle were a secret society started by George Bickley. Bickley was from Cincinnati. He was a master at lying and he set out to convince others, that his secret society, with the help of the southern Border States could conquer Mexico, Central America and Cuba.
This “circle” of countries would represent the “golden circle” of the KGC, the knights of the golden circle. Included within the “circle” were individuals from some of the Northern States who sympathized with the south and their belief in slavery. The KGC wanted to use those northern influences, and along with the southern states, extend slavery into the “golden circle” countries, thus enhancing slavery in the southern states.
Bickley gained the support of some Southerners. In 1860 members of the knights of the golden circle were paying dues. Their intent was to use the money to purchase arms to support their efforts. High-ranking officials from the states of Indiana, Ohio and Illinois supported the confederacies idea of perpetuating slavery. These sympathizer states ran secret cells, or castles where they held meetings.
It’s been rumored that by the time the civil war broke out, the KGC had stashed millions of dollars of currency and gold to fight a secret war against the northern army, all with the intention of helping the south to win the war and keep slavery in existence.
The KGC had different levels of what they called “degrees”. These degrees were called “Neophyte and “Vestibule” degrees. Each member of these degrees were bound by the obedience of the Officers of each degree, and the secrecy of the respective orders, or else.
Or else what?
Or else they would end up dead. Family members of any KGC initiate who broke this vow of silence were also murdered. There were instances where KGC members were killed, their homes burned and their families murdered.
Secret Signs And Signals
Members of the Neophyte and the Vestibule degrees would greet each other with secret signs. These signs were used as both a means to test and to recognize members. In public for instance, when two members needed to meet in secrecy, whether to talk about a KGC event or plan of action there was a specific way to approach each other. Standing erect, the heel of the right foot would be placed in the hollow of the left.
The right hand would be placed under the left arm. The left hand would be brought under the right arm. With the arms now folded, the four fingers of the left hand would be placed over the right arm. The person being addressed would then mirror the exact posture. Both individuals would now be in complete confidence of the other, and they would then move to an area for talking.
KGC Treasures
The knights of the golden circle buried secret caches of weapons, coins, and gold and silver bullion. Much of this hoard was stolen from robberies of banks, trains carrying payroll of the northern army during the civil war and from northern army military posts.
Many of the treasures were buried in the southern and western states. However, reports of small caches have been reported in some of the northern states as well as Canada.
The knights of the golden circle were much like many secret societies. There is not much written or documented information about where they buried their caches. However, the KGC did leave strange symbols and codes on rocks and trees as guides to where these treasures are located.
Jesse James And The KGC
Many KGC researchers believe that the outlaw Jesse James was a member of the KGC .
If he was a member, then much of the money he had stolen during his outlaw days was for the purpose of funding the KGC movement in the Southern states.
The life of Jesse James has been controversial in itself. Many questions such as, what was his real name? When did he die? And, where was he buried are, lead researchers to believe that these questions are enough to point to his membership in the knights of the golden circle.
Abraham Lincoln Murdered By The KGC
John Wilkes Booth the man who murdered President Lincoln was a KGC member as well as a Freemason.
After the assassination, a trunk owned by Booth was located. In the trunk were coded messages and symbols that were used by the knights of the golden circle.
The messages have been de-coded by modern researchers and they tell us that these strange symbols tied Booth to the murder of President Lincoln.
Did the KGC use the signs, symbols and the formula of the secret society of the Masons?
The knights of the golden circle were just one of many secret societies that buried treasure.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
JWB and the KGC
The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Larry Harrison Edit:
Chapter 7
Assembling the Chosen Assassins
"John Wilkes was the only member of the Booth family whose sympathy was with the Confederacy. According to the Great Conspiracy a book published in 1866 by Barclay Co., in Philadelphia, Pa., John Wilkes Booth had been initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle in Baltimore in the fall of 1860, "in a residence opposite the Cathedral."
The same writer is authority for the following oath of the Knights of the Golden Circle, taken by John Wilkes Booth:
"I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , do swear by the blood of Jesus Christ, by the wounds of the most Sacred Body; by the Dolors of His immaculate Mother, and in the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, that I will solemnly keep all secrets of the Golden Circle; that I will faithfully perform whatever I may be commanded, and that I shall always hold myself in readiness to obey the mandates of the said Circle whether at bed, or board, at the festive circle, or at the grave, and if I shall hesitate or divulge the secret may I incur the severest penalties to which flesh is heir.
"May I be cursed in all the relation of my life, in mind, body, and state, and may the pangs of hell be my eternal portion.
"I feel honored fellow knights and companions of the Golden Circle that you have deigned to admit me. No efforts shall be wanting on my part to advance the interests of the organization . . . .
"A distinguished Latin Author has justly remarked, that it is sweet and profitable to die for one's country. I have but one life and am ready to give it should it be necessary . . . .
The President rises and says:
"Sir Knight you have just taken a most solemn adjuration and believe me that you are known to all members in every part of the country. The Order is extensive and though the government is zealous and would freely spend thousands to unveil our designs, all efforts have hitherto been fruitless. No traitor has yet appeared among us, and inevitable ruin awaits the individual who would play the part of a Benedict Arnold. No public steps would be taken. He would disappear and I leave it to you to judge his fate. Dead men tell no tales. Ponder well on these things, and remember you cannot escape us.
"Members give the hand of fellowship to our new Knight (The Great Conspiracy published by Barclay 1865.)"
The pass-word to this organization was Rome. Beware of the Negroes."
"That John Wilkes Booth was initiated in this order as early as 1860, the same authority states. The following letter is quoted from Booth to a brother Sir Knight:
"Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated. 'The die is cast and I have crossed the Rubicon and can never return. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugurated, but I most heartily wish, 'That never shall sun that morrow see.' I am devoted to the South, mind and body, so that she gains her independence, I don't care what becomes of me. If I am sacrificed, I know that my country will grant me immortality; if I escape, so much the better. I can serve her in other ways. One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy's land that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don't be surprised. Sincerely yours, John Wilkes Booth." (See Page 26, The Great Conspiracy.)"
"There is no doubt but that all the conspirators were members of the Knights of the Golden Circle;"

Chapter 7
Assembling the Chosen Assassins
"John Wilkes was the only member of the Booth family whose sympathy was with the Confederacy. According to the Great Conspiracy a book published in 1866 by Barclay Co., in Philadelphia, Pa., John Wilkes Booth had been initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle in Baltimore in the fall of 1860, "in a residence opposite the Cathedral."
The same writer is authority for the following oath of the Knights of the Golden Circle, taken by John Wilkes Booth:
"I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , do swear by the blood of Jesus Christ, by the wounds of the most Sacred Body; by the Dolors of His immaculate Mother, and in the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, that I will solemnly keep all secrets of the Golden Circle; that I will faithfully perform whatever I may be commanded, and that I shall always hold myself in readiness to obey the mandates of the said Circle whether at bed, or board, at the festive circle, or at the grave, and if I shall hesitate or divulge the secret may I incur the severest penalties to which flesh is heir.
"May I be cursed in all the relation of my life, in mind, body, and state, and may the pangs of hell be my eternal portion.
"I feel honored fellow knights and companions of the Golden Circle that you have deigned to admit me. No efforts shall be wanting on my part to advance the interests of the organization . . . .
"A distinguished Latin Author has justly remarked, that it is sweet and profitable to die for one's country. I have but one life and am ready to give it should it be necessary . . . .
The President rises and says:
"Sir Knight you have just taken a most solemn adjuration and believe me that you are known to all members in every part of the country. The Order is extensive and though the government is zealous and would freely spend thousands to unveil our designs, all efforts have hitherto been fruitless. No traitor has yet appeared among us, and inevitable ruin awaits the individual who would play the part of a Benedict Arnold. No public steps would be taken. He would disappear and I leave it to you to judge his fate. Dead men tell no tales. Ponder well on these things, and remember you cannot escape us.
"Members give the hand of fellowship to our new Knight (The Great Conspiracy published by Barclay 1865.)"
The pass-word to this organization was Rome. Beware of the Negroes."
"That John Wilkes Booth was initiated in this order as early as 1860, the same authority states. The following letter is quoted from Booth to a brother Sir Knight:
"Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated. 'The die is cast and I have crossed the Rubicon and can never return. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugurated, but I most heartily wish, 'That never shall sun that morrow see.' I am devoted to the South, mind and body, so that she gains her independence, I don't care what becomes of me. If I am sacrificed, I know that my country will grant me immortality; if I escape, so much the better. I can serve her in other ways. One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy's land that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don't be surprised. Sincerely yours, John Wilkes Booth." (See Page 26, The Great Conspiracy.)"
"There is no doubt but that all the conspirators were members of the Knights of the Golden Circle;"
Friday, June 17, 2011
Circle of Dishonor by Gwen Mayo
The Knights of the Golden Circle are active again. Bodies are piling up fast
Obsessed with finding the Knights of the Golden Circle, a secret society responsible for her brother’s death, former Pinkerton operative Nessa Donnelly assumed his identity and followed his killers to Lexington, Kentucky. The trail ended there, and fourteen years have gone by.
When local prostitute Belle Brezing turns to her for help, Nessa is immersed in a murder case that threatens to expose all of her secrets. She is dealing with more than murder.
If Nessa doesn’t find the killer, she stands to lose everything—maybe even her life.
Book information:
Circle of Dishonor
by Gwen Mayo
ISBN-13: 978-1-61706-024-3
by Gwen Mayo
ISBN-13: 978-1-61706-024-3
Review: A World of Secrets
[Gwen] Mayo's depiction of late-19th century Kentucky is fascinating, and the mystery is ably handled. The author has a knack for the telling detail, giving us a picture of a society struggling to recover from the consequences of the Civil War. Recommended.
[Gwen] Mayo's depiction of late-19th century Kentucky is fascinating, and the mystery is ably handled. The author has a knack for the telling detail, giving us a picture of a society struggling to recover from the consequences of the Civil War. Recommended.
- The Historical Novel Society
The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
Last Words of William Walker
It's difficult to realize today,
writes Vincent Canby, reviewing the 1987 movie "Walker" (starring Ed
Harris), that the real-life William Walker (1824-1860, image shown),
"who's now lucky to get a couple of paragraphs in an encyclopedia,
was, briefly, one of the most celebrated public personalities of his
time." [1]
Before the end of the American Civil War, Walker's memory enjoyed
great popularity in the southern and western United States, where he
was known as "General Walker" and as the "grey-eyed man of destiny."
Northerners, on the other hand, generally regarded him as a pirate.
Although forgotten now in the United States, in Central America even
today the name of "Walker" provokes shudders and thanksgiving for
deliverance from Walker. "In Central American countries, the
successful military campaign of 1856-1857 against William Walker
became a source of national pride and identity, and it was later
promoted by local historians and politicians as substitute for the war
of independence that Central America had not experienced. April 11 is
a Costa Rican national holiday in memory of Walker's defeat at
Rivas." [2]
The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) had, in vain, backed a
filibustering expedition against Cuba, during the Millard Fillmore
presidency. The idea was to provoke a casus belli (an excuse for war)
and force the United States to intervene militarily. (Background:
"'Free Trade' of Slaves and Opium",
Turning their eyes elsewhere than Cuba, the KGC espied Nicaragua.
The Knights resolved to try another filibustering expedition. For the
heading of this expedition they had, in their own ranks, one of the
most daring and courageous of "chivalrous" adventurers. "I allude to
the no less personage than General Walker. This gentleman was duly
furnished and equipped with ships, men, and money by the liberal
members of the K. G. C., and sent out to 'take Nicaragua.'" [3]
It was sincerely hoped that, by some ingenious maneuver, William
Walker would induce somebody to "insult" the United States, so that a
good excuse might be afforded for an aggressive war. "In this
expectation, however, they were greatly disappointed; for nobody did
insult the United States, nor even General Walker, half as much as
they were insulted. The only injustice done that individual was, that
he was not hung before he started on his first expedition." [3]
In the end, William Walker was executed by the government of Honduras
in 1860. News of his demise traveled slowly, but by December 19, 1860
the New York Times was able to report the death of Walker. The landing
of the Fillibusters at Truxillo had been "the signal of the most
enthusiastic demonstrations among the Nicaraguan Liberals. Parties of
them paraded the streets cheering the name of WALKER, and crying death
to the Government, and in some instances filing upon the guard-houses.
These exhibitions of sympathy the Government is said to have been
powerless to repress or punish; and when, after the news of the great
Fillibuster's execution had been received, attempts were made to
stimulate a general popular rejoicing over the event, they proved, so
far as Nicaragua was concerned, to be 'dead failures.'" [4]
But thanks to the New York Times reporting, we have the Last Words of
Walker. Led before a firing squad in Honduras on September 12, 1860,
Walker stared defiantly at his executioners and boldly exclaimed,
"Other Walkers shall arise from my blood!" [4]
And so it did happen. Movie reviewer Vincent Canby notices the odd
coincidence of the release of the film "Walker" in 1987, and the
televised Iran-contra hearings of that Summer, featuring Lieut. Col.
Oliver L. North. [1]
Izola Forrester, grand-daughter of KGC member John Wilkes Booth,
in her book, This One Mad Act, warned us that gradually, KGC grew
to the point where it was an international secret society. Many of the
goals of KGC were set for a future as far distant as 100 years.
(The post-Civil War activities of the Knights of the Golden Circle are
admirably sketched in the book, The Shadow of the Sentinel
also entitled "Rebel Gold"), by authors Warren Getler and Bob Brewer.
British fancy lads decreed that "Free Trade" is a "right." But their
"Free Trade" is a code word for slaves and opium. [5] Notice the
"Free Trade" of "slaves" (illegal immigrants) and "opium" (cocaine and
marijuana) from south of the U.S. border.
Are we now witnessing the gradual emergence of the "Golden Circle"
empire? The idea and name, Golden Circle, came from the proposal that,
with Havana as a center and a radius of sixteen geographical degrees
or about 1,200 miles, a great circle be drawn that would include
Maryland, Kentucky, southern Missouri, all the states south of them,
a portion of Kansas, most of Texas and Old Mexico, all of Central
America, the northern part of South America, and the entire West
Indies. This area they proposed to unite into a gigantic slave empire
that would rival in power and prestige the Roman Empire of two
thousand years ago. [6] Disturbingly, it was two fine southern
gentlemen -- Bill Clinton of Arkansas and Al Gore of Tennessee -
- who yet again pushed upon us the "Free Trade" in the 1990s.
------- Notes -------
[1] "Walker (1987)", movie review by Vincent Canby. New York Times,
Dec. 4, 1987
[2] "William Walker (filibuster)", Wikipedia, June 12, 2011
[3] Perrine, Charles O. An Authentic Exposition of the K.G.C.
[4] "Walkerism in Nicaragua", New York Times, December 19, 1860
[5] "'Free Trade' of Slaves and Opium",
[6] Bridges, C.A., "The Knights of the Golden Circle: a Filibustering
Fantasy." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. XLIV, No. 3,
January, 1941.
Qtd. in Dell Leonardi. The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth (Devin-
Adair, 1975; ISBN: 0-8159-6716-0)
via Melchizedek Communique
(Melchizedek Communique, MC061411)
writes Vincent Canby, reviewing the 1987 movie "Walker" (starring Ed
Harris), that the real-life William Walker (1824-1860, image shown),
"who's now lucky to get a couple of paragraphs in an encyclopedia,
was, briefly, one of the most celebrated public personalities of his
time." [1]
Before the end of the American Civil War, Walker's memory enjoyed
great popularity in the southern and western United States, where he
was known as "General Walker" and as the "grey-eyed man of destiny."
Northerners, on the other hand, generally regarded him as a pirate.
Although forgotten now in the United States, in Central America even
today the name of "Walker" provokes shudders and thanksgiving for
deliverance from Walker. "In Central American countries, the
successful military campaign of 1856-1857 against William Walker
became a source of national pride and identity, and it was later
promoted by local historians and politicians as substitute for the war
of independence that Central America had not experienced. April 11 is
a Costa Rican national holiday in memory of Walker's defeat at
Rivas." [2]
The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) had, in vain, backed a
filibustering expedition against Cuba, during the Millard Fillmore
presidency. The idea was to provoke a casus belli (an excuse for war)
and force the United States to intervene militarily. (Background:
"'Free Trade' of Slaves and Opium",
Turning their eyes elsewhere than Cuba, the KGC espied Nicaragua.
The Knights resolved to try another filibustering expedition. For the
heading of this expedition they had, in their own ranks, one of the
most daring and courageous of "chivalrous" adventurers. "I allude to
the no less personage than General Walker. This gentleman was duly
furnished and equipped with ships, men, and money by the liberal
members of the K. G. C., and sent out to 'take Nicaragua.'" [3]
It was sincerely hoped that, by some ingenious maneuver, William
Walker would induce somebody to "insult" the United States, so that a
good excuse might be afforded for an aggressive war. "In this
expectation, however, they were greatly disappointed; for nobody did
insult the United States, nor even General Walker, half as much as
they were insulted. The only injustice done that individual was, that
he was not hung before he started on his first expedition." [3]
In the end, William Walker was executed by the government of Honduras
in 1860. News of his demise traveled slowly, but by December 19, 1860
the New York Times was able to report the death of Walker. The landing
of the Fillibusters at Truxillo had been "the signal of the most
enthusiastic demonstrations among the Nicaraguan Liberals. Parties of
them paraded the streets cheering the name of WALKER, and crying death
to the Government, and in some instances filing upon the guard-houses.
These exhibitions of sympathy the Government is said to have been
powerless to repress or punish; and when, after the news of the great
Fillibuster's execution had been received, attempts were made to
stimulate a general popular rejoicing over the event, they proved, so
far as Nicaragua was concerned, to be 'dead failures.'" [4]
But thanks to the New York Times reporting, we have the Last Words of
Walker. Led before a firing squad in Honduras on September 12, 1860,
Walker stared defiantly at his executioners and boldly exclaimed,
"Other Walkers shall arise from my blood!" [4]
And so it did happen. Movie reviewer Vincent Canby notices the odd
coincidence of the release of the film "Walker" in 1987, and the
televised Iran-contra hearings of that Summer, featuring Lieut. Col.
Oliver L. North. [1]
Izola Forrester, grand-daughter of KGC member John Wilkes Booth,
in her book, This One Mad Act, warned us that gradually, KGC grew
to the point where it was an international secret society. Many of the
goals of KGC were set for a future as far distant as 100 years.
(The post-Civil War activities of the Knights of the Golden Circle are
admirably sketched in the book, The Shadow of the Sentinel
also entitled "Rebel Gold"), by authors Warren Getler and Bob Brewer.
British fancy lads decreed that "Free Trade" is a "right." But their
"Free Trade" is a code word for slaves and opium. [5] Notice the
"Free Trade" of "slaves" (illegal immigrants) and "opium" (cocaine and
marijuana) from south of the U.S. border.
Are we now witnessing the gradual emergence of the "Golden Circle"
empire? The idea and name, Golden Circle, came from the proposal that,
with Havana as a center and a radius of sixteen geographical degrees
or about 1,200 miles, a great circle be drawn that would include
Maryland, Kentucky, southern Missouri, all the states south of them,
a portion of Kansas, most of Texas and Old Mexico, all of Central
America, the northern part of South America, and the entire West
Indies. This area they proposed to unite into a gigantic slave empire
that would rival in power and prestige the Roman Empire of two
thousand years ago. [6] Disturbingly, it was two fine southern
gentlemen -- Bill Clinton of Arkansas and Al Gore of Tennessee -
- who yet again pushed upon us the "Free Trade" in the 1990s.
------- Notes -------
[1] "Walker (1987)", movie review by Vincent Canby. New York Times,
Dec. 4, 1987
[2] "William Walker (filibuster)", Wikipedia, June 12, 2011
[3] Perrine, Charles O. An Authentic Exposition of the K.G.C.
[4] "Walkerism in Nicaragua", New York Times, December 19, 1860
[5] "'Free Trade' of Slaves and Opium",
[6] Bridges, C.A., "The Knights of the Golden Circle: a Filibustering
Fantasy." Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. XLIV, No. 3,
January, 1941.
Qtd. in Dell Leonardi. The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth (Devin-
Adair, 1975; ISBN: 0-8159-6716-0)
via Melchizedek Communique
(Melchizedek Communique, MC061411)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Knights of the Golden Circle by Tim Talbott

A secret organization of filibusterers emerged in the 1850s known as the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). The group was founded by George W.L. Bickley in 1854. Bickley was born in southwest Virginia in 1819 and claimed to have been a doctor, but was later discredited. He had moved to Cincinnati in 1851 to take a position as a professor in a medical college and also wrote for a living. He started the first "castle," or local branch, in 1854 in Cincinnati, but quickly took his efforts to the South after being harassed by his creditors.
The mid to late 1850s was the peak era for filibustering and Bickley was well received in the South. Bickley's plan was to develop colonies of Southern slaveholders in the West Indies, Central America, and South America; with the already strong slaveholding region of the Southern United States, these other three would form a "golden circle" of prosperity. Bickley believed that Mexico was the place to start his mission. Apparently, realizing that their proximity to Texas, and their relatively easy defeat in the recent war, made annexing northern Mexico the prime target. Bickley received his heartiest support for his organization in the Lone Star state, where he founded over 30 castles.
Ironically the quest for Southern independence ,and thus Civil War, brought the end of the KGC. With all efforts being made to defend the Southern states and win its independence, there was little time, money, or effort to be made in attempting to seize land in neighboring Mexico. Although, there were some KGC members that took part in the 1862 west Texas and New Mexico campaigns of General Henry Sibley, a man who also had ties to the KGC.
The KGC received some significant support in the lower North (southern Indiana, Illinois and Ohio) and border states (Kentucky and Missouri), especially among the Copperheads (Democrats opposed to Radical Republicans and carrying on the war) during the war. In late 1863 the KGC was reorganized as the Order of American Knights, and then in 1864 it was known as the Order of the Sons of Liberty. As the Confederacy's military success wained in 1864, and as Lincoln was reelected to a second term, the organization lost much of its interest and was officially disbanded.
A number of conspiracies have developed around the KGC since the end of the Civil War. Some credit the KGC with General John Hunt Morgan's raid into Southern Indiana and Ohio in 1863, and with involvement in Lincoln's assassination in 1865, as depicted in the recent movie American Treasure 2: Book of Secrets.
There are a number of commonalities that can be seen between the KGC and the later Ku Klux Klan. The secretiveness of the organizations and use of mysterious symbols such as skulls and cross bones, along with their commitment to white supremacy, would lead one to believe that the KKK, organized in 1866, relied on the KGC for some of its inspiration.
Posted by Tim Talbott at 8:29 PM
The Third Great Awakening
Editors note: You have seen this before in that it is footnoting (1103) none other than Anton Chaitkin so we offer our usual "Caveat Lector!"
The Third Great Awakening
1843 - Founding of B'nai B'rith by Scottish Rite Freemasonry laid groundwork for establishment of a Jewish homeland.
"The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith formed in 1843 as a Jewish community sub-project in the restoration of Masonry by the Scottish Rite and the British foreign office. Though most of its lodges were in the North, B’nai B’rith was openly pro-Confederate. Though it claimed to be neutral in the war, many of the Order’s Northern spokesmen were stridently pro-slavery. B’nai B’rith’s post-Civil War leaders were pro-Confederate operatives, including later president Simon Wolf, who had been arrested by the War Department in Washington, D.C. as the lawyer for a Confederate spy ring.
"Rabbi Isaac Wise established B’nai B’rith’s center for the 'liberalizing' of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio - coinciding with Cincinnati’s other great Scottish Rite scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War. Core leaders of the B’nai B’rith from then on have been Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment associated with the Order has always had its headquarters in London..." - 1103
1103. "The KKK's Scottish Rite Project," Anton Chaitkin:
The Third Great Awakening
1843 - Founding of B'nai B'rith by Scottish Rite Freemasonry laid groundwork for establishment of a Jewish homeland.
"The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith formed in 1843 as a Jewish community sub-project in the restoration of Masonry by the Scottish Rite and the British foreign office. Though most of its lodges were in the North, B’nai B’rith was openly pro-Confederate. Though it claimed to be neutral in the war, many of the Order’s Northern spokesmen were stridently pro-slavery. B’nai B’rith’s post-Civil War leaders were pro-Confederate operatives, including later president Simon Wolf, who had been arrested by the War Department in Washington, D.C. as the lawyer for a Confederate spy ring.
"Rabbi Isaac Wise established B’nai B’rith’s center for the 'liberalizing' of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio - coinciding with Cincinnati’s other great Scottish Rite scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War. Core leaders of the B’nai B’rith from then on have been Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment associated with the Order has always had its headquarters in London..." - 1103
1103. "The KKK's Scottish Rite Project," Anton Chaitkin:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
California Literary History by Jon Presco

Here is a gentleman that is trying to save this literary history - as a genealogy!
Jon Presco"
"The Civil War was in progress. the Republican Party was in control of Sacramento, and Agoston was suspected of being a "Peace Democrat".
Agoston left California for Nicaraugua where he purchased a sugar plantation. Within a short time he turned it into the largest sugar plantation in the country. In 1868 his wife, Eleonora, died of yellow fever. In December of that same year he traveled to San Francisco where he purchased machinery for his plantation and chratered a ship to engage in trade between San Francisco and various Central American ports.
Agoston disappeared from his plantation in 1869. The published obituary quoted his daughter as saying that he disappeared while inspecting a new boat landing that was under construction. The belief was that he had fallen into the water and been consumed by an alligator.
When the new U.S. Mint was established in San Francisco, President Pierce appointed Haraszthy as assayer. Several years later concerns about losses of gold led to Haraszthy's resignation and a grand jury investigation. Charged with embezzling over $150,000, he was exonerated after a five day trial in 1861.
Peace Democrats. Many Democrats within this group hoped that the Union could be salvaged, but felt that military means were not justified. This faction asserted the following:
The North was responsible for pushing the South into secession
Lincoln had become a tyrant and was bent upon destroying civil liberties
The war was a national tragedy and must be ended, even if that meant granting independence to the Confederacy.
The Copperheads had numerous important newspapers, but the editors never formed an alliance. In Chicago, Wilbur F. Storey made the Chicago Times into Lincoln's most vituperative enemy. The New York Journal of Commerce, originally abolitionist, was sold to owners who became Copperheads, giving them an important voice in the largest city. A typical editor was Edward G. Roddy, owner of the Uniontown, Pennsylvania Genius of Liberty. He was an intensely partisan Democrat who saw black people as an inferior race and Abraham Lincoln as a despot and dunce. Although he supported the war effort in 1861, he blamed abolitionists for prolonging the war and denounced the government as increasingly despotic. By 1864 he was calling for peace at any price.
John Mullaly's Metropolitan Record was the official Catholic paper in New York City. Reflecting Irish opinion, it supported the war until 1863 before becoming a Copperhead organ; the editor was then arrested for draft resistance. Even in an era of extremely partisan journalism, Copperhead newspapers were remarkable for their angry rhetoric. Wisconsin newspaper editor Marcus M. Pomeroy called Lincoln "fungus from the corrupt womb of bigotry and fanaticism" and a "worse tyrant and more inhuman butcher than has existed since the days of Nero... The man who votes for Lincoln now is a traitor and murderer... And if he is elected to misgovern for another four years, we trust some bold hand will pierce his heart with dagger point for the public good.""
The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
Monday, June 13, 2011
Jesse James Controversy
Knights of the Golden Circle
An account from a History of Honor
From the records of the Knights of the Golden Circle
As told by Jesse Woodson James of The Kentucky James’s
And recorded by this grandson Lee Houk aka Jesse Lee James III
KGC Epitaph
"They drew a circle and shut us out.
In vain, they thought they’d won by rout.
But men of God, with wit to win.
Drew a larger circle and shut them in."
If one grew up in the south near the turn of the century, there were many stories told by men of old to their sons and grandson about a very elusive, secret organization that many a southern man had belonged to in their youth.
The secret organization, which could more likely be described as a underground army or better still, the underground Confederate Government. The name of the organization(s) was known as the Knights of the Inner and Outer Circle of the Knights of the Golden Circle.
The obsessive purpose of this secret organization and other secret organizations was the revival of a second Civil War by a very influential group of southerners. These men had discovered that an international group of very influential bankers had conspired and financed the Northern Government of Abraham Lincoln; during the Civil War to help over throw the 13 Confederate States of America. This time they wanted to plan a well finance winning strategy. A southern strategy.
The reason for this treachery was very simple. This group of Bankers, the international ones and their northern conspirators had not figured a way to fully profit from the very controlled cotton trade, which had developed in the south.
Even though these men had been instrumental in delivering slaves for profit to the Southern States, the successful ideal of free labor by the South, the southern control of the cotton trade and prices, was just too much for them to bear. Their desired was simple; they wanted all the money derived from cotton. Besides from experience they knew that there could be more money made with war, than with cotton anyway.
It’s not unlike it is today, in our time, except cotton is passé and military weapons are now in fashion. Especially obsolete ones. The new cotton so to speak.
These southern gentleman were truly men of honor and tried initially to retain some dignity and honor but it didn’t take long to figure out that their chosen enemy was very cunning, greedy and terribly treacherous. It became obvious that they to had to become very much like their chosen enemy.
Through this web site I will try to tell the true story of post Civil War history as told by the Southerners who fought in it. The same men who conspired, plotted, plan and executed what was to become an abandoned attempt around 1914 to rejuvenate the Southern call to arms.
There will be an attempt to show how these great patriotic men who live by a very moral code of honor, dedicated to the Republic of the United States of America, proceeded with a plan to over throw the forces of evil. These same evil forces, which still exist today, have now almost succeeded in over throwing the morality of good men. Hopefully this story will open a few men’s eyes to that treachery and help to ignite a new, deep quest for all that is perceived as good and honorable, for the benefit of all mankind.
“The south WILL rise again”
A Poem
An account from a History of Honor
From the records of the Knights of the Golden Circle
Men of Quantrill
Written by: Col Jesse W. James aka Col. J. Frank Dalton
From the records of the Knights of the Golden Circle
As told by Jesse Woodson James of The Kentucky James’s
And recorded by this grandson Lee Houk aka Jesse Lee James III
KGC Epitaph
"They drew a circle and shut us out.
In vain, they thought they’d won by rout.
But men of God, with wit to win.
Drew a larger circle and shut them in."
If one grew up in the south near the turn of the century, there were many stories told by men of old to their sons and grandson about a very elusive, secret organization that many a southern man had belonged to in their youth.
The secret organization, which could more likely be described as a underground army or better still, the underground Confederate Government. The name of the organization(s) was known as the Knights of the Inner and Outer Circle of the Knights of the Golden Circle.
The obsessive purpose of this secret organization and other secret organizations was the revival of a second Civil War by a very influential group of southerners. These men had discovered that an international group of very influential bankers had conspired and financed the Northern Government of Abraham Lincoln; during the Civil War to help over throw the 13 Confederate States of America. This time they wanted to plan a well finance winning strategy. A southern strategy.
The reason for this treachery was very simple. This group of Bankers, the international ones and their northern conspirators had not figured a way to fully profit from the very controlled cotton trade, which had developed in the south.
Even though these men had been instrumental in delivering slaves for profit to the Southern States, the successful ideal of free labor by the South, the southern control of the cotton trade and prices, was just too much for them to bear. Their desired was simple; they wanted all the money derived from cotton. Besides from experience they knew that there could be more money made with war, than with cotton anyway.
It’s not unlike it is today, in our time, except cotton is passé and military weapons are now in fashion. Especially obsolete ones. The new cotton so to speak.
These southern gentleman were truly men of honor and tried initially to retain some dignity and honor but it didn’t take long to figure out that their chosen enemy was very cunning, greedy and terribly treacherous. It became obvious that they to had to become very much like their chosen enemy.
Through this web site I will try to tell the true story of post Civil War history as told by the Southerners who fought in it. The same men who conspired, plotted, plan and executed what was to become an abandoned attempt around 1914 to rejuvenate the Southern call to arms.
There will be an attempt to show how these great patriotic men who live by a very moral code of honor, dedicated to the Republic of the United States of America, proceeded with a plan to over throw the forces of evil. These same evil forces, which still exist today, have now almost succeeded in over throwing the morality of good men. Hopefully this story will open a few men’s eyes to that treachery and help to ignite a new, deep quest for all that is perceived as good and honorable, for the benefit of all mankind.
“The south WILL rise again”
A Poem
An account from a History of Honor
From the records of the Knights of the Golden Circle
Men of Quantrill
Written by: Col Jesse W. James aka Col. J. Frank Dalton
1947 Lawton, Oklahoma
"When the civil war was over,
and the south laid down her arms,
They came back to their wives and sweethearts,
To their villages and farms.
Quantrill’s men were classed as criminals,
They had not been mustered in.
To the Regular Southern Armies,
A known band of outlawed men.
Hunted down and shot like Wild Things,
Like Coyote, Wolf or Bear.
Chased from one state to another,
Hunted, hounded everywhere.
Not a crime so dark or fiendish,
Not an act so mean or low,
But t’was charged to men of Quantrill,
Yes, it must be them you know.
And when the war was over,
And they scattered o’er the land,
Here and there arose a rumor of men who did lay low,
Careful what you speak, he’s was a Quantrill man you know.
Some were chased and killed or captured,
Others ran and hid away,
But it’s time the truth was spoken,
They are feeble, old, and gray.
Let us tell a simple story,
How they fought to shield their home,
From the thugs and border ruffians,
They had to fight alone.
Some made good while other didn’t
Some gained wealth and honor too.
Others took the Hoot Owl trail,
There was little else to do.
But no matter what their station,
Or how well they became renown.
The cloud of “65” was present,
And their names were not their own.
But the secret was well guarded,
By the men who knew them well.
Quantrill’s oath took care of that,
A very strange thing happened on May 19, 1948 at Lawton, Oklahoma. A very old gentleman who was going by the name of Colonel J. Frank Dalton claimed to be over 100 years old came public and released an incredible, almost unbelievable tale regarding a very secret Southern underground organizational known as the “Knights of the Golden Circle”. Frank Dalton claimed to be the original, famous outlaw and desperado known as “Jesse James”, who’s Christian name was Jesse Woodson James of Kentucky. Mr. Dalton claimed that as a result of his legendary past as Jesse James it was necessary for him to stage a fake death way back in 1882 so as to be free of the mystic and legendary tales for which he was becoming famously known and wanted. He claimed in truth that over the years he assumed over 73 different personalities or aliases, some of which had a great impact on the history of this great country.
One of the more mysterious things about this time period is the fact that there seemed to be many Jesse and Frank James’s running around different parts of the county causing all type of mischief. Many of these other murderous unscrupulous individuals took advantage of their assumed namesake’s reputation to do many dishonorable acts, including unmanly murders and other outrageous crimes, all in the name of the “James Gang”. This is not meant to presume that the real Jesse and Frank James were angels, no, not by any stretch of the imagination. The real James gang killed many of these imposters and actually staged the accepted cowardly murder of Jesse James in St. Joseph, Missouri.
They had to spin and work it so the history books today read quite differently than what actually happened; but given the times, circumstances, and the fact that a number of these thugs, border ruffians and downright dishonorable backstabbers were using and hiding behind the fear and fame of “Jesse James” at the time. It was conflicting considering the important, vital work of the Confederate Underground Army which he Jesse, along with Quantrill, headed. So what actually happened is quite understandable.
It was said that the so called James Gang, Quantrill’s Guerillas led by the famous William Clarke Quantrill, and the Missouri Confederate Irregulars under General Marmaduke or General J. O. Shelby, where nothing more than a secret underground Confederate Army operating secretly throughout the South and Southwestern United States. This was the same Gen. Shelby that led his troops into Mexico to help the proclaimed French foreign leader, Emperor Maximilian. Unfortunately Gen. Shelby’s expedition proved to be a disaster and it was necessary for the Knights of the Golden Circle to send in an experienced guerilla force under Col. Jesse W. James and William Quantrill to rescue what was left of Shelby’s Army around 3,200 men. It was also said that the Hapsburg Jewels and heirlooms entrusted to Maximilian by Napoleon Bonaparte including the Emperor’s personal wealth and a great Aztec treasure vault, were secured by the Confederate’s and moved into a cavern in a very large and famous peak in the San Andre’s range of New Mexico. Benito Juarez, the liberator of Mexico and his so-called patriots captured Emperor Maximilian and executed him and his entire staff by firing squad.
After the close of the Civil War the Knight’s of the Golden Circle moved very quickly to establish a foothold in very profitable businesses throughout the country. They set up movies houses, livery stables, a clever ploy, mining companies, timber companies and railroad contracting operations. They even started a chain of drug stores, not to shabby as it’s hard to fight a second civil wall without a good source of drugs. Later on they moved into the banking business; wall street brokering, money laundering and manufacturing. They would deposit large sums of money in K.G.C. banks, insure the deposits thru Wall Street Brokers and Bankers and turn around, rob the money back and of course collecting the full amount from the surety insurance companies.
They even continued the practice that they were most famous for which was stealing illegal contraband and of course more sophisticated forms of robbery, a trade that they had perfected into a science.
Every venture had a military responsibility and specific purpose. A grand plan, so to speak.
Does all this sound like a bunch of hicks running around trying to stir up trouble, or does this sound like a group of well trained military men who are planning a grand battle adventure to again fight their enemies, who defeated them badly in the first American Civil War.
All they had to do was to figure a way to finance it themselves.
It’s a little known secret that the Knights of The Golden Circle established major treasure and goods depositories in every state in the United States plus Canada, Mexico and other places in Central and South America.
A list of many of the treasures and depositories buried by the Knights of the Golden Circle was listed in the book ‘A Jesse James was one of his Names’, by Del Schrader and his co-author Lee Hauk a.k.a. Jesse Lee James III. All of the information for this book was provided by Lee Hauk including the specific names and list of treasures provided in code.
The KGC had a very prescribed and detailed method to burying large treasure depositories; also leaving a very sophisticated and overlapping methods of signs, clues, and many other types of locating devices. Every treasure has a name that may or may not give a clue to where the treasure is located. Remember, these treasures were not to be easily found by weekend treasure hunters but were meant to be located and opened by the right person or group of people.
It should be also divulged that the KGC buried smaller treasures in the vicinity of large depositories in an effort to conceal and divert attention away from the major treasures or depository. They also knew better than to keep all their eggs in one basket.
Watie's Cherokee name was Degataga, meaning "standing together as one," or "he stands." He also was known as Isaac S. Watie. Watie was the son of Oo-watie (David Uwatie) and the part-English Susanna Reese. He attended Moravian Mission School at Springplace, Georgia. He served as a clerk of the Cherokee Supreme Court and Speaker of the Cherokee National Council prior to removal.
As a member of the Ridge-Watie-boundinot faction of the Cherokee Nation, Watie supported removal to the Cherokee Nation to the West, and signed the Treaty of New Echota in 1835. The anti-removal Ross Party believed the treaty was in violation of the opinions of the majority of the tribe and refused to ratify it. In defiance of Principal Chief John Ross and the majority of the Cherokees, the treaty was approved and the Indians Nation moved. Watie, his family, and many other Cherokees moved to the Cherokee Nation, West (present-day Oklahoma), in 1837 and settled at Honey Creek. Those Cherokees (and their slaves) who remained on tribal lands in the East were forcibly removed by the U.S. government in 1838 in a journey known as the "Trail of Tears", during which thousands died.
The Ross Party targeted Stand and Buck Watie and the Ridge family for assassination. Following the murders of his uncle Major Ridge, cousin John Ridge, and brother Elias Boundinot (Buck Watie) in 1839, and his brother Thomas Watie in 1845, Stand Watie assumed the leadership of the Ridge-Watie-Boundinot faction and was involved in a long-running blood feud with the followers of John Ross. He also was a leader of the Knights of the Golden Circle, which bitterly opposed abolitionism.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Watie quickly joined the Southern cause. He was commissioned a Colonel on July 12, 1861, and raised a regiment of Cherokees for service with the Confederate army. After Chief John Ross and the Cherokee Council decided to support the Confederacy (to keep the Cherokee United), he organized a regiment of cavalry. In October 1861, he was commissioned as a Colonel in the 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles. Although he fought Union troops, he also used his troops in fighting between factions of the Cherokee, as well as against the Creek and Seminole and others who chose to support the Union. After Ross fled Indian Territory, Watie was elected principal chief of the Confederate Cherokees in August 1862.
A portion of Watie's command saw action at Oak Hills (August 10, 1861) in a battle that assured the South's hold on Indian Territory and made Watie a Confederate military hero. Afterward, Watie helped drive the pro-Northern Indians out of Indian Territory, and following the battle of Chustenahlah, he commanded the pursuit of the fleeing Federals, led by Opothleyahola, and drove them into exile in Kansas. Although Watie's men were exempt from service outside Indian Territory, he led his troops into Arkansas in the spring of 1861 to stem a Federal invasion of the region.
Joining with Major Gen. Earl Van Dorn's command, Watie took part in the battle of Pea Ridge. On the first day of fighting, the Confederate Cherokees, which were on the left flank of the Confederate line, captured a battery of Union artillery before being forced to abandon it. Following the Union victory, Watie's command screened the Confederate withdrawal.
Watie, or troops in his command, participated in 18 battles and major skirmishes with Union troops during the war, including Cowskin Prairie (April 1862), Old Fort Wayne, Webber's Falls (April 1863), Fort Gibson (May 1863), Cabin Creek, and Gunter's Prairie (August 1864). In addition, his men were engaged in a multitude of smaller skirmishes and meeting engagements in Indian Territory and neighboring states. Because of his wide-ranging raids behind Union lines, he tied down thousands of Union troops that were badly needed in the East.
Watie's two greatest victories were the capture of the Union steam boat USS J.R. Williams on June 15, 1864, and the seizure of $1.5 million worth of supplies in a Union wagon supply train at the 2nd battle of Cabin Creek on September 19, 1864.
Watie was promoted to Brigadier General on May 6, 1864, and given command of the 1st Indian Brigade, which contained 2 regiments of Mounted Rifles and 3 battalions of Cherokee, Seminole and Osage infantry. These troops were based south of the Canadian River, and periodically crossed the river into Union territory. His force reportedly fought in more battles west of the Mississippi River than any other unit. Watie was the only Native American on either side of the Civil War to rise to the rank of Brigadier General. At Fort Towson in the Choctaw Nations' area of Oklahoma Territory, Watie surrendered the last significant Confederate army, becoming the last Confederate general in the field to surrender.
After the war, Watie served as a member of the Southern Cherokee delegation during the negotiation of the Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866. Afterwards, he abandoned public life and returned to his old home along Honey Creek.
After the war, Watie became a tribal leader and served as a member of the Southern Cherokee delegation during the negotiations for the Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866 and initiated efforts to rebuild tribal assets. Afterwards, he abandoned public life and returned to his old home along Honey Creek. He and his nephew, Elias C. Boudinot, were arrested for evading taxes on income from a tobacco factory, and were plantiffs in the Cherokee Tobacco Case of 1870, which negated the 1866 treaty provision establishing tribal tax exempt status. As a result of this case, Congress officially impeded further treaties with Indian tribes, delegating Indian policy to acts of Congress or executive order.
Watie married 4 times, the first 3 before tribal relocation to the west. His fourth marriage in 1843, to Sarah Caroline Bell, produced 5 children. He is buried in Polson Cemetery in Oklahoma, near southwest Missouri.
Colonel - July 12, 1861
Brigadier General - May 6, 1864
Major Commands:
Confederate Cherokees
1st Indian Brigade
The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
As a member of the Ridge-Watie-boundinot faction of the Cherokee Nation, Watie supported removal to the Cherokee Nation to the West, and signed the Treaty of New Echota in 1835. The anti-removal Ross Party believed the treaty was in violation of the opinions of the majority of the tribe and refused to ratify it. In defiance of Principal Chief John Ross and the majority of the Cherokees, the treaty was approved and the Indians Nation moved. Watie, his family, and many other Cherokees moved to the Cherokee Nation, West (present-day Oklahoma), in 1837 and settled at Honey Creek. Those Cherokees (and their slaves) who remained on tribal lands in the East were forcibly removed by the U.S. government in 1838 in a journey known as the "Trail of Tears", during which thousands died.
The Ross Party targeted Stand and Buck Watie and the Ridge family for assassination. Following the murders of his uncle Major Ridge, cousin John Ridge, and brother Elias Boundinot (Buck Watie) in 1839, and his brother Thomas Watie in 1845, Stand Watie assumed the leadership of the Ridge-Watie-Boundinot faction and was involved in a long-running blood feud with the followers of John Ross. He also was a leader of the Knights of the Golden Circle, which bitterly opposed abolitionism.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, Watie quickly joined the Southern cause. He was commissioned a Colonel on July 12, 1861, and raised a regiment of Cherokees for service with the Confederate army. After Chief John Ross and the Cherokee Council decided to support the Confederacy (to keep the Cherokee United), he organized a regiment of cavalry. In October 1861, he was commissioned as a Colonel in the 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles. Although he fought Union troops, he also used his troops in fighting between factions of the Cherokee, as well as against the Creek and Seminole and others who chose to support the Union. After Ross fled Indian Territory, Watie was elected principal chief of the Confederate Cherokees in August 1862.
A portion of Watie's command saw action at Oak Hills (August 10, 1861) in a battle that assured the South's hold on Indian Territory and made Watie a Confederate military hero. Afterward, Watie helped drive the pro-Northern Indians out of Indian Territory, and following the battle of Chustenahlah, he commanded the pursuit of the fleeing Federals, led by Opothleyahola, and drove them into exile in Kansas. Although Watie's men were exempt from service outside Indian Territory, he led his troops into Arkansas in the spring of 1861 to stem a Federal invasion of the region.
Joining with Major Gen. Earl Van Dorn's command, Watie took part in the battle of Pea Ridge. On the first day of fighting, the Confederate Cherokees, which were on the left flank of the Confederate line, captured a battery of Union artillery before being forced to abandon it. Following the Union victory, Watie's command screened the Confederate withdrawal.
Watie, or troops in his command, participated in 18 battles and major skirmishes with Union troops during the war, including Cowskin Prairie (April 1862), Old Fort Wayne, Webber's Falls (April 1863), Fort Gibson (May 1863), Cabin Creek, and Gunter's Prairie (August 1864). In addition, his men were engaged in a multitude of smaller skirmishes and meeting engagements in Indian Territory and neighboring states. Because of his wide-ranging raids behind Union lines, he tied down thousands of Union troops that were badly needed in the East.
Watie's two greatest victories were the capture of the Union steam boat USS J.R. Williams on June 15, 1864, and the seizure of $1.5 million worth of supplies in a Union wagon supply train at the 2nd battle of Cabin Creek on September 19, 1864.
Watie was promoted to Brigadier General on May 6, 1864, and given command of the 1st Indian Brigade, which contained 2 regiments of Mounted Rifles and 3 battalions of Cherokee, Seminole and Osage infantry. These troops were based south of the Canadian River, and periodically crossed the river into Union territory. His force reportedly fought in more battles west of the Mississippi River than any other unit. Watie was the only Native American on either side of the Civil War to rise to the rank of Brigadier General. At Fort Towson in the Choctaw Nations' area of Oklahoma Territory, Watie surrendered the last significant Confederate army, becoming the last Confederate general in the field to surrender.
After the war, Watie served as a member of the Southern Cherokee delegation during the negotiation of the Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866. Afterwards, he abandoned public life and returned to his old home along Honey Creek.
After the war, Watie became a tribal leader and served as a member of the Southern Cherokee delegation during the negotiations for the Cherokee Reconstruction Treaty of 1866 and initiated efforts to rebuild tribal assets. Afterwards, he abandoned public life and returned to his old home along Honey Creek. He and his nephew, Elias C. Boudinot, were arrested for evading taxes on income from a tobacco factory, and were plantiffs in the Cherokee Tobacco Case of 1870, which negated the 1866 treaty provision establishing tribal tax exempt status. As a result of this case, Congress officially impeded further treaties with Indian tribes, delegating Indian policy to acts of Congress or executive order.
Watie married 4 times, the first 3 before tribal relocation to the west. His fourth marriage in 1843, to Sarah Caroline Bell, produced 5 children. He is buried in Polson Cemetery in Oklahoma, near southwest Missouri.
Colonel - July 12, 1861
Brigadier General - May 6, 1864
Major Commands:
Confederate Cherokees
1st Indian Brigade
The Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Historical Archives
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
For the Prize
QUESTION: Clement Vallandingham lead a reorganized Knights of the Golden Circle that titled themselves “The Order of” this earlier group. This group was responsible for the capture of a repository at Turtle Bay, and their habit of erecting large poles lead to the Battle of Golden Hill. Members of this group were responsible for the death of William Dudingston and aided Abraham Whipple in the capture of a ship in Narragansett Bay. This group is probably most famous for an incident in which they snuck on board the Dartmouth dressed as Mohawks. For the Prize, name this organization whose members, including James Otis and Samuel Adams, carried out the burning of the HMS Gaspee and the Boston Tea Party.
ANSWER: Sons of Liberty
ANSWER: Sons of Liberty
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