Thursday, May 24, 2012

Knights of the Golden Circle Treasure Maps

Knights of the Golden Circle treasure maps are not created like a normal map, you must first understand it is not the traditional “go ten paces from the palm tree” that Hollywood shows in the movies. You must consider the overview of how the treasures were hidden. Most treasure hunters begin a knights of the golden circle, (KGC), treasure hunt by discovery of a single or combined treasure sign. A single sign is never good for finding a treasure for any site, but especially when we are dealing with the KGC sites. When you interpret KGC data of any kind, it must be considered within the context. If you have a single sign it has little meaning if it stands alone. It may be a reversal sign. It may be a decoy sign, sending you in the wrong direction entirely when you understand the context. It may even be an old Spanish symbol as the KGC left some Spanish treasure in place and reworked the signs to make the Spanish treasure difficult to find. The KGC has always hidden a clue within the reworking of those signs to show they were the ones that reworked them. So let’s get an overview of the Knights of the Golden Circle methods of leaving data behind to identify a KGC site or treasure. The largest treasure map for a KGC site would be the template. These can be very large, especially in the American southwest and Mexico where you can see for a long distance. They grow shorter in areas such as Missouri or Arkansas where the trees block the long distance view. Many very large symbols are carved into the rocks, sometimes the entire rock is carved into the shape of an animal. Yes, Pedro, the KGC did carve huge turtles as did the Spanish. The KGC also carved symbols into the Spanish turtles to show how they either relocated the treasure or misdirected future treasure hunters. The template can only be interpreted in the context of all of the symbols on the site. You must first locate the starting point. This varies from area to area. Remember, there were many groups that worked within the structure of the Knights of the Golden Circle so each site will vary and must be considered within the context.
In article two we will consider the context for interpretation of KGC treasure maps further. You may view all of Dr. Melancon’s articles on Knights of the Golden Circle by selecting the next article from the right hand column or click here for Article 2.
Article 1 of series, Knights of the Golden Circle Treasure Maps, © 2010, Dr. John Melancon, © 2010 info at bottom of every page on this site. Dr. John Melancon