Knights of the Golden Circle Treasure Maps 8
Knights of the Golden Circle treasure maps are not maps drawn as a Hollywood movie chart. Sometimes physical markers on location must also be considered in the context. The original map should overlay the area with the landmarks evident. This will lay out the template of the location. Then the on-site location signs must be sought. To locate these, I find it easier if I search out the things that are out of the ordinary. To explain this, I am going to use an actual sign marker from an expedition in the Southwest. This is one of the most unusual markers I have encountered but use it for emphasis that you might see how out of place it was.
This particular location had been settled post civil war and was well known as an ‘outlaw’ area. Just as the case with Jesse James, these outlaws may have resorted to illegal activities but primarily were acting on behalf of their ‘cause’. I did not have the Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map available to me but searching the area located some of the markers from a template. Due to not even having a complete template, I searched one of the template marker areas. Although clear indication of the direction and distance was there for the next sign, I could not find the all important ‘next clue’. There was an old building on the location. I took a metal detector and located a signal in the middle of the small building. I carefully excavated around the signal and at the depth of about 12 inches found the source of the signal. There was an iron bar driven into the ground vertically. On top of the post laying flat was an unusual item that was the next clue for direction. That item is in the photograph at the beginning of this article. This is where most people make their first mistake. I have seen so many treasure hunters immediately grab the item and begin to examine it. Wrong! We would have just lost the direction, and in many cases, even the distance. In this case the length of the iron bar gave the distance and the item gave the three directions. Examine the attached photograph and in the next article we will discover what we found about the interpretation.
Knights of the Golden Circle treasure maps and Spanish treasure maps are in many forms. Some literal maps and some physical maps on site are very complex and without the keys will never be deciphered. If you need help with a KGC or Spanish map or site location, email or call 480 463 6579. Dr. Melancon will respond to you directly.