Jesse James and the Knights of the Golden Circle: the Albert Pike Connection (Part 4)
FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2010
What Became of Albert Pike?
As I've pointed out in earlier posts on this topic the likelihood of a Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) connection between Jesse Woodson James and the KGC's "dark genius," Albert Pike is not only possible but probable. We all know what happened in the end to Jesse at the hands of that "dirty little coward" Bob Ford, but what became of Albert Pike?
Treasure Hunting
Unlike most ex-Confederate officers or persons of high rank, Pike was not included among those receiving general amnesty from his former enemy, the U.S. Government. This left him in precarious circumstances and forced him to reach for help from his "brothers" in the higher echelons of Freemasonry, especially those with power and influence in Washington, D.C.
Pike Embarks on an Extended Journey
A year after Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, Pike received a presidential pardon from Andrew Johnson and moved to Memphis, Tennessee where (ostensibly) he worked as an attorney and newspaper editor. While he was in Memphis at this time Pike (using secret Masonic code and ancient Greek mathematical and geometry theories) began designing the form and structure of hundreds of KGC treasure repositories that would eventually be located throughout the Southern and Southwestern U.S.
A decade and a half later while at the the Scottish Rite's Southern jurisdiction offices in Washington. D.C., Albert Pike abruptly left the nation's capitol and embarked on an extended journey for the next 5 years. Pike's travels would eventually cover a total of nearly 20,000 miles and would take him through the following states:
New Mexico
North Carolina
South Carolina
North Dakota
One Pike biographer also states that Pike visited certain (unnamed) Midwestern states as well during this period.
The Key Question
With this in mind, here is the key question that we treasure hunters must ask ourselves. Why in God's green earth would a 71-year old man embark on such an arduous and time-consuming journey? Especially when most men his age would be sitting near the fireplace, sipping a hot toddy, and reminiscing about the "good old days?"
Was Pike simply visiting old friends and acquaintances (if so he had one hell of a lot of friends) or was he just traveling for travel's sake? Remember, traveling across country in the 1880s was nowhere near as convenient or as comfortable as it is today.
The Only Logical Explanation?
I suspect neither of the 2 theories above is correct. I, like many others, believe that Pike undertook this extended and exhausting journey to ensure that the KGC's gold and silver was safely hidden and well protected by KGC "Sentinels."
In all truth, this is the only logical explanation for Pike's behavior just a few short years before his death in 1891. If both myself and my fellow treasure hunters are correct in this assumption, the vast wealth of the KGC is spread out across at least half of the continental U.S. in caches and repositories so numerous and extensive as to be mind boggling.
There it is.....
Good hunting to you.
(c) J.R. 2010
Questions? E-mail me at jr872vt90@yahoo.com